Lab2 Venture Rocked!

It was something new. It was something we’d never really tried before. Those attempts are supposed to be courageous. Right?

Well, I’m not sure this qualifies, but it sure was fun.

It’s been well over a week since our Lab2Venture Open House, and I still have “Separate Ways” and “Bad to the Bone” as the ringtone and notification on my phone. I’m not ready to put all of the memories away just yet.

Nearly 200 folks wandered the halls and lobby of our office building, chatting, looking at posters, sharing ideas, and making new connections. Elvis was there; so was KISS. We were looking to Rock the economy. We wanted an open house, and we got one.

There was a DJ, as well as great food and beer (and wine). We even had a VIP lounge hosted by “Hoff” himself serving mocktails. It was an unconventional way to get the scientific community and the entrepreneurial community in one place—talking to one another.

Many of our partners were there to just be available to meet any scientist, technologist, inventor, or entrepreneur that might stroll up and say “hi.” It was all about flow, interaction, and collaborative collisions.

I got in over 30,000 steps that day. It was full. We are now looking toward the Deal Stream Summit in October, which means we’re looking for business plans. Well, we’re always looking for business plans, really.

Spread the word.

It’s still a bit early to determine what “deals” may have started there, but the activity was electric.

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