New Mexico Flying 40

Congratulations to the 2014 Flying 40 Awardees

The 2014 Flying 40 Celebration was held

Honoring the fastest growing technology companies in the state of New Mexico

New Mexico’s future is technology; and New Mexico’s future is bright.  Jobs at the Flying 40 increased from 3,528 in 2009 to 3,929 in 2013, a 11 percent increase.  Revenue increased from $780.3 million in 2009 to more than $889.3 million in 2013, a 14 percent increase.

New Mexico’s technology-based economy is thriving. Technology Ventures Corporation, KPMG LLP, Sandia Science & Technology Park Development Corporation, New Mexico Bank and Trust, and UNM Athletics Department believe these companies and their employees should be singled out as examples of the best New Mexico has to offer.

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