The 2015 Deal Stream Summit = more of our history

Unlike our Lab2Venture open house we held in May, our Deal Stream Summit (held Oct 6th) was most certainly not new.  Nor was it something we’d never tried before.  Since 1993, TVC has been presenting investor-ready companies, giving them a stage so that they can give a 10-minute pitch as to why you should give them a bunch of money. 

Prior to throwing (OK, not really throwing) them on stage, however, the selected companies go through a meticulous preparation process.  Advisor teams are assembled, and their presentation is examined and reexamined.  They practice (dry run), evaluate, then prior to the crowd showing up, they then have a dress rehearsal.

It’s what we do.  We match companies ready for investment with the right investors.  We’ve been doing it for some time now.  It’s been called the Equity Capital Symposium (1993-2011); it’s been held over several days, consisting of not only the presenters, but also informative panels and keynotes; it’s been at the Hyatt downtown, the Embassy Suites, and now, for the past two years, it’s been at the Balloon Museum. It’s a little over a half-day in length now, and we call it the Deal Stream Summit.

Regardless of what we call it, or how long it may last, TVC employs a successful commercialization model that connects innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors nationwide to create companies and take federal laboratory inventions to the marketplace.  And, between 1993 and 2015, TVC figured prominently in the production of more than $1.2 billion in venture capital investments, more than 121 new high-tech companies, and more than 13,500 new jobs.

Although the primary vehicle for showcasing both seed and early-stage companies is TVC’s Deal Stream Summit, we do this every day, in one form or another.

To date, 30 percent of the presenting companies have received funding—a noteworthy achievement and an unmatched success rate.

It may not be new, but it is consistent. We’re good with that.

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